What is Block Height?

  • What is Block Height?

    What is Block Height?

    Block height serves as a measure akin to counting the number of Lego blocks stacked up in a tower. Each block signifies a confirmed set of transactions on a blockchain network, starting from the genesis block at the very beginning. Just as removing a Lego block from the middle disrupts the tower’s structure, skipping a…

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  • What are Hardware Wallets?

    What are Hardware Wallets?

    Hardware wallets serve as physical devices designed to store cryptocurrency keys offline, employing cold storage for an added layer of security. While they offer enhanced protection against online threats, their usage and accessibility can be more intricate compared to other wallet types. However, for those intending to hold cryptocurrency for an extended period or possess…

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  • What are Bitcoin CME gaps?

    What are Bitcoin CME gaps?

    Bitcoin CME gaps refer to disparities in price between the closing price on a specific trading day and the opening price on the subsequent trading day on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), one of the world’s largest and most diverse financial exchanges. The CME serves as a marketplace for various financial derivatives, commodities, and other…

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  • What is a Ponzi scheme?

    What is a Ponzi scheme?

    Ponzi schemes are named after Charles Ponzi, an Italian swindler who, in the early 1920s, defrauded hundreds of victims with his deceptive money-making system that ran for over a year. In essence, a Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment scam where returns to existing investors are paid from funds contributed by new investors. The flaw…

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  • What is Index investing?

    What is Index investing?

    Index investing in the cryptocurrency realm involves purchasing ETFs and indices, both on traditional and decentralized exchanges within the growing Decentralized Finance (DeFi) sector. A crypto index essentially represents a basket of diverse cryptoassets, forming a token tracking their collective performance. This basket might consist of coins from specific sectors, like privacy coins or utility…

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  • What is Swing trading?

    What is Swing trading?

    Swing trading is a longer-term trading strategy that involves holding positions for more than a day but typically not longer than a few weeks or a month. Positioned between day trading and trend trading, swing traders aim to capitalize on waves of volatility that unfold over several days or weeks. Swing traders utilize a blend…

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  • What is Day trading?

    What is Day trading?

    Day trading, one of the most widely recognized active trading strategies, is often mistakenly associated with all active trading. However, day trading specifically involves opening and closing positions within the same day. Day traders seek to capitalize on intraday price movements—price changes occurring within a single trading day. The term “day trading” originated from traditional…

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  • How to Secure My Seed Phrase?

    How to Secure My Seed Phrase?

    How to Secure My Seed Phrase? Your seed phrase, also known as a recovery phrase, is the crucial gateway to your wallet and cryptocurrency holdings. Consisting of 12 to 24 words, it acts as the master key for your wallet, enabling access in case of loss or when migrating to a new device. Here are…

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  • What is a Block Explorer?

    What is a Block Explorer?

    In essence, a block explorer serves as a comprehensive tool offering detailed analytics about a blockchain network from its inception at the genesis block. It functions as a search engine and browser, allowing users to access information about individual blocks, public addresses, and transactions associated with a specific cryptocurrency. Beyond basic features, some block explorers…

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  • How Do Bitcoin Ordinals Work?

    How Do Bitcoin Ordinals Work?

    The Ordinals protocol introduces a unique system for numbering satoshis, assigning each satoshi a serial number, and tracking them across transactions. In essence, ordinals enable the individualization of satoshis by appending additional data, a process known as ‘inscription.’ A satoshi, named after Bitcoin’s pseudonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto, represents the smallest unit of bitcoin (BTC), divisible…

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