What is Token Lockup?

  • What is Token Lockup?

    What is Token Lockup?

    The term “token lockup” refers to a specific duration during which cryptocurrency tokens are restricted from being transacted or traded. Typically, these lockup periods serve as a strategic measure to ensure the enduring stability of a particular asset. Token lockups serve several crucial purposes. Firstly, they deter holders with substantial token holdings from flooding the…

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  • What Are Blockchain Transaction Fees?

    What Are Blockchain Transaction Fees?

    Transaction fees play a dual role of significance within blockchain networks. Firstly, they serve as rewards for miners or validators who dedicate their computational power to verifying and confirming transactions, contributing to the network’s integrity. Secondly, these fees act as a defense mechanism against potential spam attacks, discouraging malicious actors from overloading the network. The…

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  • What is Fill Or Kill Order (FOK)?

    What is Fill Or Kill Order (FOK)?

    Several trading platforms and exchanges provide a unique order type known as the “Fill or Kill Order” (FOK). This term encapsulates the concept that an order must be instantly and fully executed, or it will not be executed at all. The FOK order shares a kinship with the “All or Nothing” (AON) order type, which…

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  • What is Staking Pool?

    What is Staking Pool?

    A staking pool serves as a collaborative platform where multiple stakeholders, or “bagholders,” amalgamate their computational resources to enhance their likelihood of earning rewards. This cooperative effort involves consolidating staking power to validate new blocks, increasing the probability of obtaining block rewards. Analogous to the traditional mining pool, the staking pool model shares resemblances, but…

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  • What is a Snapshot?

    What is a Snapshot?

    In conventional computing contexts, the term “snapshot” denotes the ability to capture and record the precise state of a computer system or storage device at a specific moment. Within the realm of cryptocurrencies, the concept of a snapshot pertains to the process of capturing the state of a blockchain at a particular block height. During…

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  • What is Transactions Per Second (TPS)?

    What is Transactions Per Second (TPS)?

    Within the domain of blockchain technology, the metric known as transactions per second (TPS) stands as a pivotal indicator of a network’s transaction processing capacity within a single second. The Bitcoin blockchain, as a prominent example, demonstrates an approximate average TPS of around 5, albeit with occasional variations. In stark contrast, Ethereum boasts the capability…

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  • What is Merkle Tree?

    What is Merkle Tree?

    A Merkle tree serves as a method to efficiently organize and manage substantial volumes of data, simplifying processing complexities. Within the realm of cryptocurrency and blockchain, the Merkle tree finds application in structuring transaction data to alleviate resource intensiveness. In the context of cryptocurrency transactions, the Merkle tree’s workflow involves hashing each transaction and assigning…

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  • What is Mainnet Swap?

    What is Mainnet Swap?

    In essence, a mainnet swap encompasses the transition from one blockchain network to another, typically occurring when a cryptocurrency project moves from a third-party platform (such as Ethereum) to establish its own native blockchain infrastructure. In this progression, the project’s existing cryptocurrency tokens undergo a gradual replacement with newly minted coins, coinciding with the migration…

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  • What is Hash Rate?

    What is Hash Rate?

    The term “hash rate” denotes the velocity at which a computer executes hashing computations, and within the realm of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, it serves as a benchmark for gauging the efficiency and efficacy of mining machinery. Essentially, hash rate outlines the swiftness at which mining hardware undertakes the intricate process of attempting to compute a…

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  • What Is TrueUSD (TUSD)And How Dose This Work?

    What Is TrueUSD (TUSD)And How Dose This Work?

    What Is TrueUSD (TUSD)? TrueUSD (TUSD) operates as a stablecoin that maintains a fixed 1:1 value ratio with the U.S. dollar. This stability is achieved by maintaining a corresponding reserve of USD for each TUSD token in circulation. Built on the ERC-20 token standard, TUSD boasts compatibility with multiple blockchain networks and decentralized applications (DApps).…

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